One to One Women's BIble Study

Lunch & Discussion  |  Sunday • September 4  |  Fellowship Hall after 11AM service

Let's Talk about the experience

Many ladies participated in the summer One-to-One Bible Reading Program initiated in May. 

We would like to hear about your experiences. 

Please join us Sunday, September 4, for lunch and discussion after the 11:00 worship service downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. 

If you’re curious or just hungry, you’re also welcome to attend. Food and drinks provided! 

Please contact the  Address Card Tab One to One Women's Bible Study

One to One Process

The process is simple.  If you have a partner in mind, please let us know. Otherwise, we will pair you with another Tab sister who also has a desire to read and grow in the wisdom of the Lord.

  • Meet together

    Meet together with your partner at a mutually agreed-upon time on a regular basis (we recommend weekly).

  • Read and Discuss

    Actually read the Bible with your partner and discuss it together using some guiding questions.  Spend some time discussing what the Lord is doing in your life.

  • Pray for one another

    Talk about how you can be praying for one another and close in prayer.