Member & Family Resources

Explore the links to learn more and/or download these resources:

  • The session has adopted a shepherding model where the members of the church are divided into teams amongst the elders in effort to be more relational, more intentional, and more organized in caring for the congregation.

  • The church is supposed to be a place where we confess our own sins to one another, while keeping confidential the sins of others.  When we hear someone’s confession, that person is trusting us to represent Jesus, “who blots out your transgressions…and remembers your sins no more” (Isaiah 43:25).  We need to remind each other of the Gospel.

    There are specific instances where it is necessary to expand the circle of confidentiality, while carefully guarding against gossip.  

  • Tabernacle held a seminar lead by Josh Keene from Tasso Counseling to help equip us to better understand and respond to abuse within the church and the home.

  • The point at which a child is ready to receive the Lord’s Supper is a defining moment in his or her life. It is the point at which your child is ready to profess his faith publicly before the Session, the Church, and, ultimately, the world. It is also the point at which the Church rejoices to see the faithfulness of God in bringing salvation to those who, as baptized children of the covenant, had received the sign of the covenant. 

  • Where do we as Christians get the power to change our world, our community and our lives? 

    The Bible says one of the critical keys to such power for change is a radical generosity with all that we own… But where do we get the power to be generous? 

  • God graciously and sovereignly chooses to lead His Church through faithful (yet fallen) men who serve our Chief Shepherd and Servant King as elders and deacons. 

    It is the Church’s privilege to participate in the Spirit’s work of calling qualified men to shepherd and serve our church through this officer nomination process.   

  • Protecting children and those that serve in Children's ministry is something Tabernacle takes very seriously.

Books & media

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  • The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment

    by Tim Challies

    bookmark Available to borrow from church

  • Rediscover Church

    by Collin Hansen and Jonathan Leeman

  • How people change

    by Timothy Lane and Paul David Tripp

    bookmark Available to borrow from church

  • Church Discipline

    by Jonathan Leeman

    bookmark Available to borrow from church

  • The Peacemaker

    by Ken Sande

    bookmark Available to borrow from church

  • Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy

    by Mark Vroegop


As we give thanks for the decrease in COVID cases locally, Tabernacle has updated our COVID protocols. 

Masks are now optional in all of our worship services and ministry events. 

  • CDC Recommendations

    In light of the CDC's recommendation that those with health risks should continue to wear masks in indoor public gatherings, we ask that everyone act with love and consideration for one another.

  • Air CIrculation

    We will continue to keep the sanctuary doors open (and windows, weather permitting) to augment air circulation. 

  • Air Purification

    We are thankful for the ionized air purification in our HVAC, adding additional protection for us.