
All nations will come and worship before You | Revelation 15:4

Seeking to Grow and Multiply

We believe that God wants us to grow and multiply. Our mission (the means by which we intend to see our vision for Tabernacle realized) is to “enlarge the place of our tent” and to “spread out to the right and to the left”. As we grow and multiply, we can spread more of the blessings of Christ’s Kingdom to new neighborhoods and to the nations.

Our mission is to keep multiplying until we reach a
mind-blowing 1% of our local population!

How’s that for bold? Well, it is in a way. 

One percent of our community does not sound like much until you do the math. Our community is projected to grow to 120,000 people in the next few years, and we want to see 1,200 of them living and growing as disciples through Tabernacle.

But we also believe that multiplication, not just growth, is the biblical way to make and grow disciples. Church planting is the missional strategy of the New Testament. So rather than grow Tabernacle to well over 1,000 members, we pray God will use us to plant a bunch of 200-300 members churches. Most leaders agree that six churches with 200 members will make a greater impact than one church with 1,200 members.

And by God’s grace, Tabernacle was able to plant our first daughter church in 2009, Holy Cross PCA in Staunton. We started as a multisite church (one church in two locations) and then spun it off as a daughter church (two churches in two locations) with its own leadership. 

We are praying for God to lead us to our next location for another daughter church.

Meet our Missionaries

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we support additional Missionaries in sensitive countries

The Gospel is being shared in hostile environments where it is unsafe to post missionary names and locations.  

Please pray for these families as they risk to serve a great need for the Good News of Jesus.

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The following resources have been an encouragement to people in our church.  If you have books, Bible studies, podcasts, or other resources to recommend, contact the  Address Card  Tab Missions Ministry.

  • Practical and proven methods to make real change in the community

  • Let the Nations Be Glad

    by John Piper

  • A daily prayer guide for every nation