Gustave Dorè, "The Entry of Christ into Jerusalem," 1967

Scripture Reading & Meditation

Luke 4:18-22

"For the essential theme of the whole Bible from beginning to end is that God's historical purpose is to call out a people for himself; that this people is a ‘holy’ people, set apart from the world to belong to him and to obey him; and that its vocation is to be true to its identity, that is, to be ‘holy’ or ‘different’ in all its outlook and behaviour.” —John Stott

 “Their decision to side with Jesus exhibits his greatness: the impelling force of his influence over the minds and hearts of men, so that when he calls they follow immediately. The breadth of his sympathy and the magnitude of his power are also shown here. Is it not marvelous that he was willing and able to take such common folk, four fishermen, etc., unlettered individuals, and, in spite of all their prejudices and superstitions, to transform them into instruments for the salvation of many; to make them leaders who, by means of their testimonies, would turn the world upside down?”—William Hendricksen


Psalms, Hymns, & SPiritual Songs

Lord's Day Worship - 1/26/24

God, All Nature Sings Thy Glory - Ludwig Van Beethoven and David Clowney

The Mighty King - Taylor McPherson

Heal Us Kevin Twit, Lucas Morton, and William Cowper

God Is Over AllColin BuchananJonny Robinson, and Rich Thompson

His Mercy Is More - Matt Boswell and Matt Papa