• This Sunday

    Worship Times:

    8:30 AM & 11:00 AM


    Prepare your heart for worship by reading through the Order of Worship for this week's service.


  • First Time Here?

    We are glad you are here to learn more about Tab and are hopeful that you will join us for church on Sunday.


  • Online worship

    In addition to our in-person worship, we offer a live stream of the 11:00 AM service each Sunday.

    Join Livestream >

Prepare Your Heart for Easter

Just like Advent helps us prepare our hearts for Christmas, Lent can help us prepare for Easter, so that we can better absorb the significance of Holy Week: Palm Sunday, Tenebrae, and Easter. Lent helps us pay closer attention to our need for the grace of Jesus, and how God responds in mercy toward those who turn to Him.

  • Make room

    Lent is usually a time to fast and abstain to make room for more of God's presence in our schedule and in our hearts. 

    Is there something you might forego or reduce during Lent—dessert, alcohol, social media, etc.? 

  • Devote Time

    Pick up your family's copy of Christian Manifesto: Jesus' Life-Changing Words from the Sermon on the Plain by Alistair Begg available in the church foyer. 

    This book encourages Christians to live a radically different life that upends the world's values and philosophies.

  • Engage your spirit

    Engage your heart, mind, and soul in worship by filling them with the music of this season. 


    Spotify playlist


for the enjoyment of His glory,

the good of His people, 

the blessing of this community, 

and the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom in the world.